Les Éditions FP&CF présenteront plusieurs zines / livres lors de cette soirée.
Venez nombreux, il y aura de très belles choses !
Infos :
Jeudi 1er juillet
de 18h30 à 22h
Kiosque/Images (La Place Verte)
105 rue Oberkampf 75011 Paris
soft cover
200 pages
100 gsm content
matte celloglaze cover
surprise posters inside
DUST & DESSERT Magazine is an arrhythmic and sporadically released series of books
on soft thoughts and colossal magnificences that have been put together by the two of us.
Every page is generated with affection and careful consideration of the interaction between
what is read and what is seen. Each submission has been hand picked and all contributors
are treated with respect and we will continue to keep in touch with everyone long after the
collection retires, as there will be only 8 issues produced.
After a period of time away from each other at the beginning of 2010,
we returned to Sydney and revisited our desire to publish a book,
choosing to focus on compiling a volume of work arranged using the
colour spectrum (the ethereal wordplay is a convenient byproduct),
with themes that have been chosen because they all relate to each
other through these colours, which will become evident at the end of
the series.
Révélation, c‘est une foire ouverte à tous les champs de la photographie contemporaine, une exposition qui réunit des auteurs émergents et leur permet de montrer et de vendre leurs oeuvres, un espace d’échange et de foisonnement créatif où le public peut découvrir des artistes et chiner des photographies originales.
Après les succès des trois éditions précédentes, l’association Révélation renouvelle l’aventure et organise sa quatrième foire au Comptoir Général, le lieu qui fait bouger les lignes, sur les bords du canal St Martin.
Malgré l’offre culturelle en termes de photographie et la multiplication des lieux d’expositions, beaucoup d’auteurs de talent ne trouvent pas la tribune, l’espace, la galerie qui leur permette de rencontrer leur public, un agent, de décrocher une commande.
Parallèlement, de nombreux amateurs d’image aiment “chiner” des oeuvres originales, et sont à la recherche d’un contact direct avec leurs créateurs.
Révélation souhaite confronter ces mondes, créer les conditions d’un échange et d’un partage d’expériences et susciter des vocations de collectionneurs.
"The printing process is different for each of our books, but I have two older letterpresses which I used to print Peter's book.
For it I printed from engraved metal plates, which have the image etched on them. I printed it with a strong oil based black ink for a rich black tone.
The printing process is very difficult and the paper texture will affect the image quality. It was a balance to find the right amount of detail and ink.
Each page was inked and printed by hand. Then folded and sewn."
We are a small publishing house located just outside of Kutztown, Pennsylvania. We produce artist books and limited edition multiples. Founded by Nicholas Gottlund in late 2007 as a small studio dedicated to books and bound printed matter. We maintain a program of publishing books collaboratively with artists. Working primarily with emerging and mid-career artists our books follow in a lineage while being innovative and forward thinking. We strive to have our books communicate with utmost clarity the vision of their source.
Located outside of Kutztown P.A., the book house was built as an addition to a 19th Century P.A. German bank barn. Situated in a small wooded valley it offers a rare location bordered by a meadow, small creek and bamboo grove.
We work with a variety of domestic printers for flexiblity of process while retaining a modest pressroom of letterpresses. We also have a large workspace and bindery dedicated to producing objects for limited edition volumes such as book boxes and slip cases. Our office and archive are located above the pressroom in a loft-like space for storage of books and prints.