Before Things Change
Seth Fluker
7.5 x 9.5 in, 28 pages + fold-out, 14 photographs
color offset, stapled soft cover, first edition 2010, 500 copies
$17.50 CAD
"Before Things Change” is a small insight into Seth Fluker’s undesirable occupation at Whole Foods Market Soho. Each image slowly evolved and quickly disappeared within his workspace while washing grimy kitchen utensils and haphazardly disposing customer waste. Through the sequencing of this edition, Seth aimed to represent the ever-changing emotions he felt during each shift."
>> Infos.
Via theindependentphotobook.blogspot.com, un blog qui référence de nombreux zines et livres d'auto-édition.
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Je vous invite aussi à découvrir le blog de Cédric Jalade où l'on trouve des liens vers des photographes vraiment intéressants.
>> http://cedricjalade.canalblog.com/
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