Trois nouveaux zines publiés par Young Healers:

- "While you were sleeping" de Dana Laura Goldstein

- "Grim reefers chronicles" de Alexis Gross

- "Young hearts fail" de Nina Hartmann

Young Healers is a publishing venture that focuses on emerging
photographers through print zines. The objective is to publish monthly
issues that coincide with a gallery launch for the corresponding
edition. Each issue will feature the work of an up-and-coming
photographer, some shooting specifically for the project, others
selecting photos from their existing portfolio.

Founded and curated by Daniel Pelissier, Young Healers is the natural
progression from his personal photography zine, Society Suckers. Young
Healers moves to further underline the DIY aesthetic and the
importance of zines as a direct, accessible medium, seeking to provide
support and promotion for the chosen artists and their respective
themes and ideals.


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Prochain post, la semaine prochaine. a+

Next post, next week, ciao !

3 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

tu les as recu ?
dana me disait qu'ils étaient tout petits ! c'est gênant ou c'est bien ??

sammy a dit…

happy hollyday

Maxime a dit…

hello all,

non pas encore reçus !

et je me rends aussi compte que l'info n'est pas très fraiche... certains zines datant apparemment de plusieurs mois.


Sammy, je ne prends pas de vacances, je pars "à l'étranger" pour le boulot.

vacances au mois d'aout !
avec atelier sérigraphie prévu en BZH en préparation du salon DIY !

kiss and lol