On se retire quelques jours au bord de la mer et on revient en 2012 avec de nouveaux projets !
Salut !
On découvrira sur place ce coffret Boules de Noël et bien d'autres choses. On regardera le tampographe et ses créatures travailler, on écoutera de la Oï, on boira de la bière et on fumera des clopes en attendant que les tampons sortent de la presse à vulcaniser.
“History is a year long collaborative project between Niall McClelland and Jeremy Jansen illustrating research into their respective cultural backgrounds. McClelland’s focus is centered primarily on Irish history and the religious and political troubles that have plagued the country throughout its history. Jansen’s research involves his exploration of Italian culture and the role of the mafia both in Italy and its migration to North America.
The artists will be producing a series of 11 double sided black and white newsprint posters that illustrate their findings. The research will be illustrated with a variety of mediums including photography, typography and found graphic materials.
The resulting poster series will be available, for free, in a mobile outdoor installation during the 2011 Miami art fair weekend.”